Of Taking Pride in Who You Are

Me in the Sun

Me just hanging out like normal people do.

I’ve said it aloud, I figure it’s time I write it down.

The way I see it (in terms of my talents, intelligence, and physical beauty):

  • I’m not the best
  • I’m not the worst
  • But, I’m better than most

Maybe that’s a conceited way of thinking, maybe it’s a healthy honest mindset, and maybe it’s a little of both.

I really don’t think of myself as cocky. I’m fully aware that there are people who can kick my ass at the things I claim to be good at.

And I will always be honest about what I completely suck at. For instance, sports. It’s a hopeless case, my brain can’t even grasp what to do or the appeal. So how could my body ever manage such a feat as making a basket or hitting something small with an equally small stick. Hopeless.

Plus, I don’t care, I also have essentially no competitive drive. Yeah, um, you really ought not to ask me to play on your team.

But I do care about quality, I have personal standards, and I’ll admit for certain things (personal appearance, work ethic, writing, coffee, etc) they are high. Especially if it’s something that I’m natural at, take for instance, writing. I’m always shocked by how bad some of my fellow creative writing majors are at writing. I can’t believe how many plotless or utterly unoriginal fiction pieces I’ve read. Nor how many wonderful personal stories were written in a way that didn’t do justice to their life experience. There should really be a screening process.

And I like pretty things, I like nice hair, cute dresses, awesome shoes, sexy lingerie. I like to feel pretty and I wish everyone would capitalize on their prettiness potential.

I’m not one of those feminists who think that everyone can be hot as hell. But, I do believe that everyone can look beautiful if they take pride in their appearance and don’t give me that “I don’t care what people think” spiel. Everyone cares, whether they admit it or not, everyone wants people to say, “Wow,” when they walk in a room. Take pride in who you are. Own it.